Your Stage : Producer-To Apply for Funding-Please Reply by Richard Kelly

Richard Kelly

Producer-To Apply for Funding-Please Reply

Hello- from UK, I have 5 Creator owned Graphic Novels some with screenplay Adaptions. Check out I have been Looking to sell the Film Rights to any to help raise funds for a Low-Budget feature Film. It would Film In Spain, For around maybe £20,000. I am Looking for a Producer who knows of tax incentives in Spain. Also for the Producer to be Good at applying for Funding. Even willing to give at least 10% from any Film Right sold to anyone who can help me sell any to a Producer, Film Studio or company. Please Reply as Looking for connections or anyone who can help, thanks.

Graphic Novel Lit Agent - Graphic novel tales
Graphic Novel Lit Agent - Graphic novel tales
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Catherine Cole

Good morning to Stage 32!

I'm Catherine, a fledgling wrtier/producer. Three completed scripts and multiple read requests for same. Feature and limited series content focusing on locales and eras I know and love. Asheville, NC, Southern California beaches, the rural lifestyle of Northern Nevada for starters. Yep, rather eclectic!

Just completed Anna Henry's '-Re-write Your Pilot' class. Anna is an incredible instuctor!

Thanks Stage 32 for that educational offering and countless others!

How's about sharing your latest accomplishment (I'm not just referring to accolades here)!

Happy Saturday!

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Richard Kelly. You said you're looking for a producer who knows of tax incentives in Spain. Have you thought about searching the Browse Members Section (

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