Always great meeting here for, Introduce Yourself Weekends! Hello to all stage 32s,! I’m presently working on the final touches on my film, for the all exciting, all anticipating, "9th Annual Stage 32, Short film Contest”. Hope to send it by Monday. How are you doing?. Always great hearing! Just curious me!
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Hi, Eon C. Rambally. Hope your film does great in the festivals and Stage 32's contest! I'm doing great. I've met a lot of people and caught up with friends during Introduce Yourself Weekend. How are you?
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Hi Maurice Vaughan, thanks! I'm, basically doing just about same, except for the film, where I'm extending it with more refined details, effects etc. as discussed before! My intentions are certainly to impress, but these things takes lots of effort and time! Wish everyone the best!.... To the competition!
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Hi Eon C. Rambally! That's always an exciting time, to put on those finishing touches and see it all come together finally. How are you feeling about it?
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I'm feeling confident, Nick Phillips, thanks! With new tech., training and courses however, it can and is expected to be very competitive! I'm focusing on storyline, in-house technique's and more, just being part of the most engaging aspects of general competition! Being competitive, inspiring and enjoying the atmosphere!, Best!
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That's amazing Eon C. Rambally!
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You're welcome, Eon C. Rambally. Let us know how your film does in the festivals and Stage 32's contest.
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Thanks again Nick Phillips! Will like hearing what you’re working on!
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Will do, Maurice Vaughan, thanks! How’s the project last discussed, coming along?
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You're welcome, Eon C. Rambally. I've been working on so many projects I don't remember which one we talked about. I'm working on a ghostwriting job and spec script now.
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Understandably so, Maurice Vaughan! It will be "Lake, Fake House or Real House" the cost effectiveness of different methods applicable for scenes, etc.,. Congrats on the ghostwriting job and spec script!
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Thanks for the congrats, Eon C. Rambally.
Oh yeah. That project. I've written some scenes in the script. Can't wait to finish the script and share it. It's my most unique script.
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Congrats on the film, Eon C. Rambally
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Great hearing that Maurice Vaughan, I assumed so,! That is, being one of your significant projects. Interesting learning it's presently, "your most significant script". Anxious for it's completion and sharing it. Best!
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Thanks RB! An extremely busy and hectic time, for team stage 32, for such a preparation and anticipation! Congrats also to everyone!
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Eon C. Rambally good luck with the competition, Eon!
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Geoff Hall, thanks for the well wishes! Keeping track of your Lounge topics. Always interesting and important!
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Eon C. Rambally Welcome! Short films are fantastic!
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Thanks Heidi Wolff! So much fun to have with short films! Of course ,your perspectives are welcomed!
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Eon C. Rambally thanks Eon. I hope you are well and thriving.
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YOU KNOW YOU GOT MY VOTE EON!! Sending so many vibes YOUR WAY for the 9th Annual STAGE32 Short Film contest!! TO Everyone doing contests: "May the best of all the BEST show up for you on your day... and WE ARE ALL BETTER FOR IT."
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Awesome! What Genre is it, Eon ?
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Such great energy!
Sherri ZImmerman, passion and willpower! Make an audience move to tears! Your support and spirit speaks positive volumes, to where new concepts and "vision" are heading in the world of film. Always welcomed!
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Kerry Kennard, it's, Thriller, Mystery! Begins basically with simple techniques, then in all competent efforts, eventually evolving, explodes with VFX, Special Effects, Creativity etc., and continues, with an in-depth storyline. "The World Of Thought Perception & Creativity"! You can check my bio and credits. Thankful and welcomed for asking!
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Hey Eon... Do you make documentaries? I just came across my mother's contract from HEARST film. They wanted my mother's story for a TV docu...... way back in 1994.
They were waiting for her to sign on but I think she was very tired once home from prison and the judge threatened to put her back in IF she did anymore family searches or reunions again. Of course all this will be in my film SUCCESS AFTER INSANITY... screenplay draft I'm developing currently.
- a documentary on her life. Maybe near future? Let me know your thoughts when it's a more quiet time for you!!
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Yes I do Sherri, did a few shorts couple of years back, my advice then was "You will have to be understanding of the consequences of the content"! The reply was "I know, just want to test to see the responses". Controversial topics, with enthusiasm! They were for YouTube! The results was just as I said, that's the reason I never before mentioned of them, for accreditation.
Sherri, Your story is most engaging and will get results once formatted intellectually!