Introduce Yourself : Aspiring Production Designer by Zoe Erickson

Zoe Erickson

Aspiring Production Designer

Hey, everyone! My name is Zoë Erickson and I'm currently a student at Columbia College Chicago pursuing a BA in Cinema and Television Arts planning to graduate May 2024. I LOVE working with various aspects within the art department, from general production design to set construction, costuming, hair, and makeup. I'll be moving back home to Texas right after graduation but plan on traveling to various places for work!

I watched Lord of the Rings for the first time, my Freshman year of High school and have been hooked on the idea of making movies ever since :)

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Zoe Erickson. You're so close to graduating! :D

RT Herwig


Mathias Rat


Dustin Richardson

That's awesome you want to become a Production Designer, Zoe Erickson! That's super important and a fantastic line of work. Nice to meet you.

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