Post-Production : Pro Editor's First Steps To Editing A Movie by Ashley Renee Smith

Ashley Renee Smith

Pro Editor's First Steps To Editing A Movie

In this Film Courage video, Lucas Harger, an acclaimed film and commercial editor, supervising editor, and partner at Bruton Stroube Outpost, discusses what his first steps include when editing a new film project.

Maurice Vaughan

Great share, Ashley Renee Smith! Two big things I took from the video: 1) the importance of collaboration between a director and editor and 2) the importance of giving an editor room to work.

Daniel Husbands

I really like the idea of being the first audience, letting the footage impact you without any outside explanation. Thanks Ashley Renee Smith

Sam Sokolow

Awesome share, Ashley Renee Smith. Love how he discusses the preparation, craft and artistry of doing these critical first steps in the edit.

Ashley Renee Smith

I completely agree, Daniel Husbands! I've always known that a film is made three times- when it's written, when it's filmed, and when it's edited. But I never considered the impact that seeing the completed film before anyone else has on the process. What a special and unique experience.

Stephen V. Stone

This is great!

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