Animation : I Believe Animation Has the Power to Heal by Law Jackson

Law Jackson

I Believe Animation Has the Power to Heal

If stories are medicine, then Animation is the ideal delivery method.

My name is Law Jackson and I'm a Multimedia Producer for my freelance business Kinetic Text.

As an 80's kid it was my dream to be an animator. I was pretty serious about it so I dropped out of college to chase my dream and got my first job in games thanks to a referral.

Back then, you had to know how to draw really, REALLY well to animate. If you couldn't draw- you couldn't animate! My older colleagues now what I'm talking about :)

A lot has changed over the years and animation became more and more dependent on technology- which was a good thing! But, over time, animation, like the other arts became more commoditized so to stand out I found myself needing to get better at storytelling- because no one really cares what method of easing you're using on your interpolated keyframes.

As a result, the focus of my craft has shifted to Storytelling.

Nice to meet Everyone!

I hope you're doing well.


Ashley Renee Smith

Thanks for sharing, Law Jackson! I recently shared an article about the upcoming adaptation, Tangles by Sarah Levitt, which is an exploration of Alzheimer's through a graphic novel and now an animated project. I've included the link to my post about it for you below. I completely agree that animation has the power to heal and to allow viewers to explore things creatively that live-action can be limited by. But the storytelling behind the medium and tools is key. If the story isn't strong and clear, then the animation and style won't matter.

Maurice Vaughan

Incredible video, Law Jackson! And I agree. Animation has the power to heal. Just think about when we were kids and we got sad. Cartoons and animated movies made us feel better.

Leonardo Ramirez

Love the video Law Jackson and I wholeheartedly agree. Stories do have the ability to heal and I love the idea of story and yes, animation being a conduit for that healing.

Daniel Husbands

Some great examples of fantastic animations Law Jackson , I agree that animation is a unique and powerful tool for teaching and storytelling is how knowledge has been past from generation to generation throughout history. It certainly is another method to help bring about healing and change.

Bob Harper

Thanks for sharing, Law Jackson . Not only does animation have the power to heal, but it also has the power to connect. As a father with a son on the Autism Spectrum and working with a studio of neurodiverse animators, I see firsthand how animation allows those whose minds work differently to find a medium to connect with everyone else.

Law Jackson

Bob Harper I really appreciate that. You know, we've been running in the same circles for a couple of decades now. I'd love to connect and catch up!

Bob Harper

Law Jackson Sure thing!

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