Introduce Yourself : Hello everyone! by Patricia Villasana

Patricia Villasana

Hello everyone!

I joined Stage 32 a while back but I’m not the best at social media so I’m just introducing myself now. I am many things but right now I’m focusing on officially starting my writing career. I’ve just begun writing my first horror screenplay this past week.

Some of my backstory: I grew up around East LA in a pretty creative family and was always encouraged to try everything. I grew up loving photography, painting, flute, dance, writing, and movies. I knew I wanted to work in movies when I was twelve and my sister began teaching me theater makeup (she was a stage manager and makeup artist). I received my certificate in makeup for film and theater after high school but after a year or so, decided it wasn’t what I wanted to do every day. I held a day job for years and after losing it to the pandemic, decided to pursue art again.

I completed a certificate program for Film History and wanted to use it for writing, which led me to becoming a story analyst with the Hollywood Gatekeepers program. My favorite genres are drama, comedy, and horror. I want to help writers of all backgrounds develop their character-driven stories.

I look forward to connecting with you all!

Maurice Vaughan

Nice to meet you, Patricia Villasana. I tried to play the flute growing up, but I never got the hang of it. I probably would've if I kept trying. What sub-genre is your Horror script?

Marcel Nault Jr.

Welcome aboard, Patricia!

Nice to see someone that has a proclivity for creativity. :)

David C. Velasco

Welcome, Patricia!

Amanda Toney

Love to hear that you came from such a creative family, and it’s also terrific to hear that you continue to dedicate yourself to creativity. To the point about you not being great at social media, make sure you download the Stage 32 app. We’ve done a ton of work on it to make it super easy for you to stay in touch. Download it and put it next to the favorite app that you use on your phone and then you’ll start to stay connected more organically.

Nick Phillips

Welcome Patricia Villasana! What's the horror script about? Or are you keeping it under wraps for now? I'm a big horror fan!

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