Animation : Conrad Vernon & Danielle Sterling Launch Animation Straight Up Creative; First Project With John Stamos At Netflix by Richard "RB" Botto

Richard "RB" Botto

Conrad Vernon & Danielle Sterling Launch Animation Straight Up Creative; First Project With John Stamos At Netflix

Huge congratulations to long time Stage 32 educator and all around great guy, Conrad Vernon, on this new endeavor.

Conrad Vernon & Danielle Sterling Launch Animation Straight Up Creative; First Project With John Stamos At Netflix
Conrad Vernon & Danielle Sterling Launch Animation Straight Up Creative; First Project With John Stamos At Netflix
EXCLUSIVE: Sausage Party and Addams Family animated feature filmmaker Conrad Vernon has opened the doors to the animation production company, Straight Up Creative with producer and development executi…
Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations, Conrad Vernon and Danielle Sterling! Looking forward to seeing John Stamos' feature and what else Straight Up Creative comes up with!

Ashley Renee Smith

Congratulations, Conrad! This is awesome!!

Richard "RB" Botto

Conrad has earned every success. Thrilled to have him as a Stage 32 educator.

Mark Deuce

This really gets me excited to see that we are all part of the Stage 32 community of success Richard "RB" Botto

Richard "RB" Botto

Agreed, Mark Deuce. The mission of this platform from Day One back in 2011 was to democratize the industry. Our educators play a massive part in executing on that mission.

Leonardo Ramirez

Love this...

“At Straight Up Creative, we are departing from the misconception of animation as solely a children’s genre and see animation as a versatile medium capable of expanding the ability to tell any story, in any genre, for any audience..."

Richard "RB" Botto

And if there was anyone to lead that charge, Leonardo Ramirez, it's Conrad. He's a visionary.

Leonardo Ramirez

I took one of his classes a while back and it was pretty awesome, Richard "RB" Botto. It's called, "Breaking Down the Process of Feature Film Animation from Script to Screen" and for anyone interested, it can be found here: There's also a free one where he and others discuss the state of the industry here: I haven't watched that one but going to now.

Richard "RB" Botto

He's a fantastic teacher, Leonardo Ramirez, and obviously as accomplished as they come. Also a shining example of how being selfless and a true collaborator can move mountains in this industry.

Geoff Hall

Leonardo Ramirez and thanks for sharing those links.

Geoff Hall

Leonardo Ramirez I like the “with an edgy take”. Which is exactly what I’m working on at the moment. That gives me a little hope.

Leonardo Ramirez

It's a good time for it, Geoff Hall

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