From engineering major to word wrangler, I see no boundary—just two equally bewildering support systems. Whether I'm diving into novels, screenplays, or playwrights, I’m always on a quest—maybe a bit too enthusiastically—to make sense of this wild journey. Writing is one heck of a ride, filled with more potholes than a country road, but giving up? Not in my script. So, let's chat about roadmaps, collaboration, and all things inspiring. Until then, dear writers, what’s your secret sauce for smashing through those pesky roadblocks?
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Great conversation starter, Sebastien! My secret sauce,... persistence. If you're in it for the long haul, eventually you'll progress. You won't even notice how far you've come till you look back.
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Hey, Sebastien Dehi. Hope you're doing great. On days when I don't feel like writing, my secret sauces for smashing through that roadblock is pushing through/writing anyway, setting a deadline to finish a script, writing random scenes until I feel like writing, and getting encouragement & motivation from the Stage 32 community.
As for potholes, my secret sauce is writing detailed outlines. By time I get to the first draft, I've filled the potholes.
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Words to live by.
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Sebastien Dehi, for me, it’s about finding the right way to get out of my own head and distract myself. I’ve found that I hit roadblocks most often when I’m overthinking and worrying too much about something being perfect. So I have to find the right way to distract my brain with other things, whether that’s taking a walk with my dog, going for a swim, cleaning, reading, or even taking a shower and blasting music. Usually if I can successfully stop overthinking, the answer and inspiration hits me naturally and I can jump back in with more excitement and confidence.
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Love this Sebastien Dehi and great to meet you. No roadblocks: When I have a target and I grind until it is done.