Introduce Yourself : About me by Jeevan Lal

Jeevan Lal

About me

If you are looking for content for movie production I have SWA copyright registered manuscript and published novella available.

I am a prolific author of twelve published fiction and novels seeking a movie production house to bring my SWA copyrighted manuscripts and published books to life on the big screen, My stories are designed to appeal to audiences across India and around the world.

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Jeevan Lal. Hope you're doing great. I suggest adding more information to your profile bio. A detailed bio will help you build relationships/network on here. You could add things to your bio like why you became a screenwriter, your accomplishments, your goals, and what movies and shows you like.

Jeevan Lal

Thank you for the advice. Not yet learnt screenplay. I have only novel for adaption for movies . Goal is to sell my Novellas for movie production. Write more Novellas . Given a chance to work for movie version of my stories as Creative director. I will design titles, set designing, work with director and VFX artist.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Jeevan Lal. Ok, I see. It says "Screenwriter" on your profile, so I thought you were a screenwriter already. Here are two great blogs for up-and-coming screenwriters:

Stage 32 has a lot of other great screenwriting resources:

Screenwriting Lounge:

Screenwriting Blogs:

Screenwriting Education:

Script Services:

Jeevan Lal

Thank you sir, I am a story writer.

Read short synopsis of all my stories here on my blog


I will check the links.


I like to get in touch with agents or manager to find Producers for my Novellas.

My story concepts are unique. No movies ever made with my unique story concept in film industry.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Jeevan Lal. "I like to get in touch with agents or manager to find Producers for my Novellas." You could ask for advice in the Authoring & Playwriting Lounge (

Ashley Renee Smith

Maurice has provided a lot of wonderful advice here, Jeevan Lal! What are your novels about?

Jeevan Lal


"From the ashes of tragedy emerges a second chance at love. In a twist of fate, Ajay and Maya are reunited after twenty-five years, but as Maya has moved on with a family of her own, the path to rekindling their love is fraught with complexities. Amidst the joy of Ajay's return, the fate of their love child, Sandhya, remains a poignant question mark, adding layers of emotion to their journey of rediscovery."

Maurice Vaughan

Sounds interesting, Jeevan Lal. I think your logline needs to be tightened up though. It's really long (73 words). Try to keep your logline to 35 words or less.

Here’s a logline template that might help:

“After/when ______ (the inciting incident/the event that sets the plot in motion), a _______ (the main flaw that the main character has to overcome in the script or an adjective that describes the main character’s personality) _______ (the main character’s position/job/career) tries to/attempts to/fights to/struggles to/strives to/sets out to/fights/battles/engages in/competes/etc. _______ (goal of story and try to add the obstacles here) to/so/in order to ________ (stakes).”

The inciting incident can also be at the end of the logline: “A _______ (the main flaw that the main character has to overcome in the script or an adjective that describes the main character’s personality) _______ (the main character’s position/job/career) tries to/attempts to/fights to/struggles to/strives to/sets out to/fights/battles/engages in/competes/etc. _______ (goal of story and try to add the obstacles here) to/so/in order to ________ (stakes) after/when ______ (the inciting incident/the event that sets the plot in motion).”

Loglines are one or two sentences. A one-sentence logline sounds better, and it takes less time for a producer, director, etc. to read it.

Avoid using “must” in loglines. “Must” sounds like the main character is forced to do the goal of the story instead of doing it willingly, and “must” doesn’t sound active. Audrey Knox (a TV literary manager) also said this during a logline review webinar on Stage 32 ( Sometimes "must" is needed in a logline though, like when the main character is forced by another character to do the story goal.

Names in loglines are usually for biopics, well-known stories, and franchises (like “Mission: Impossible”).

Jeevan Lal

Here is the shortest logline of Eternal Love

Maurice Vaughan

Your logline didn't show up, Jeevan Lal.

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