Introduce Yourself : We're about to meet... by David Blaustein

David Blaustein

We're about to meet...

Hi. Nice to meet you.

My name is David. In a perfect world, I would be a famous hip-hop star with an endorsement deal from Mcdonald’s who raps to samples of theme songs from 1970s children’s TV shows—only to be killed in a drive-by a West Coast gang of In-and-Out stans outside a McDonald's while eating a McFlurry. That would be legendary, or at least the premise of my latest screenplay, “Drive-Thru wRapper.”

That’s not true, yet in the six seconds since I thought of it, I’ve grown to like that idea and want to write it.

As a former Entertainment Correspondent and Movie Critic, I've had the privilege of interviewing over 1000 actors, filmmakers, politicians, and even a man who brought his pet goat to the world premiere of a popular movie. Now, I’m here to embark on a new journey as a screenwriter, focusing less on genres and more on unique ideas or, at the very least, stories about hip-hop stars who’ve been victims of the vicious Fast Food burger wars (Five Guys is better than In-and-Out - Don’t @ me).

Look, I'm a big fan of “Introduce Yourself Weekend.” I’m not just saying that - I'm truly passionate about the Stage 32 platform. It's been a game-changer for me, quietly putting me in a position to succeed. And it can do the same for you! There's a wealth of resources here and a community of supportive individuals eager to help you. If you’re a screenwriter, you can benefit from pitch sessions or watch and participate in “The Pitch Tank” and “Pitch Practice.” Don’t even think about it. Dive right in!

Maurice Vaughan

“Drive-Thru Rapper" would be a wild movie, David Blaustein!

Richard "RB" Botto

Always dig you're positive attitude and energy, David Blaustein. Thanks for bringing so much to this community.

John Snell

Hi David Blaustein, you're a funny man, I love it! Good luck with all!

Maria K Singh

Hi David! Nice read. It’s nice to virtually meet you!

Ashley Renee Smith

It’s wonderful to see you, David Blaustein! Happy Introduce Yourself Weekend! =)

David Blaustein

Wanna co-write Maurice Vaughan?

David Blaustein

Richard "RB" Botto, thank you for creating a community to which I can bring something!

David Blaustein

Thank you John Snell! Same and nice to meet you.

David Blaustein

Maria K Singh Thanks and nice to virtually meet you, too!

David Blaustein

It's always wonderful to see you, too Ashley Renee Smith!

Mark Deuce

Great to meet you David Blaustein and your resume is very impressive.

Maurice Vaughan

I'm working on projects right now, David Blaustein, but looking forward to collaborating with you on “Drive-Thru Rapper" or another script.

David Blaustein

Maurice Vaughan That would be amazing and I may hold you to it!

David Blaustein

Mark Deuce Thank you! Great to meet you, too!

Nick Phillips

Thanks for recommending The Pitch Tank David Blaustein, it's always great to see you in there!

David Blaustein

Nick Phillips Of course! It's a tremendous service and your dynamic personality is an added bonus.

Kerry Kennard

Hi David.

Nice to met you !

My best advice, leave LA immediately ! ha ha!

Grab the McFlurry for sure! (Smiles)

Yes, Stage 32 is a freer platform and a wealth of resources/ knowledge. Met some really talented people. One guy is an Entertainment Lawyer- with a great database of information (usually paid- and affordable).

Michele Maslin is an amazing sync music leader - tons of Syncs in her world !

Have an awesome weekend!

Kerry Kennard

Richard "RB" Botto

That's fantastic to hear, Kerry Kennard! A good entertainment attorney is hard to find. Glad to hear you discovered and connected with one here.

Kerry Kennard

Richard "RB" Botto - yes, great contact when you need them. His name is Brandon Blake. His website is:

He's pretty easy to find on St. 32; he's in Los. Angeles, CA.

David Blaustein

Kerry Kennard I love that! I wish I was in LA so I could leave! I'm in Massachusetts (I'm an honorary MASSHOLE), but was born and raised in Brooklyn. Yeah, this platform is great. I've been having lots of success pitching and meeting interesting people such as yourself. RB and his entire staff are legitimately on a mission to help creatives, and it's just great.

William Joseph Hill

Great to meet you David! And I'm sure with all the interviews you've done have provided you with tons of material to build characters for your scripts.

Richard "RB" Botto

Know Brandon well, Kerry Kennard. He's been a long time member here on 32 and a valuable one at that. Great guy.

David Blaustein

William Joseph Hill: Excellent point. I have so much to say about that, but I may save it for a blog post I've been thinking about. Nice to meet you!

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