On Writing : Faith-Based Screenplay Submission by Melanie Lang

Melanie Lang

Faith-Based Screenplay Submission

I'm a first-time screenwriter and have a finished faith-based/drama manuscript. It is located on a small handful of sites, but I would like to know where to actually submit it to for interest in production. Who is looking for true stories, faith-based, female character-driven, etc. of this sort?

Besides InkTip, Coverfly, ISA, and Stage 32, is there a platform best suited for this genre? Thank you in advance for leading me in the right direction!

Tom Lapke

I would recommend a two-pronged attack. First, check out Stage 32's script services and find out if anyone of the executives looks for or works in faith-based films.

I would also look at some of your favorite faith-based films and see who the production companies are, then do some investigoogling to find out who is in charge of script development. I would love to hear how your journey unfolds.

Mark Deuce

The very best place is the Writers´ Room Melanie Lang

William Joseph Hill

Yes, what Tom & Mark says is good advice, Melanie. I would also add that getting an IMDBpro subscription will let you look at production companies with their contact info behind films in your target demographic. Back in the day you had to pause the VHS tape to see the credits and look at the Hollywood Creative Directory at Samuel French for contact info. I love technology!

Melanie Lang

Tom Lapke, and William Joseph Hill I am working through locating the producers of some features in my genre that are well-done and locating them on my IMDBpro account. Mark Deuce, I am now in the Writer's Room. Thank you for the suggestion! admit, the numerous platforms, dozen producers per movie, etc. to find the right ones is daunting. But I'm determined!

Preston Poulter

I would love to take a look at your script, Melanie Lang

Cara Rogers

I took a faith-based/inspirational screenwriting lab through S32, taught by Nathan Scoggins. He's fantastic and might offer other services here. Also Brad Wilson periodically takes faith-based pitches on S32. Definitely contact Martha Caprarotta or attend one of her noon (pst) writing sprints via Zoom. She has experience in what you're writing and may have suggestions. The links/invites are always posted on the days we meet, Writers Cafe, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

William Joseph Hill

Fantastic news, Melanie Lang - looks like you are taking all the right steps. Best of luck!

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