Post-Production : Zemeckis' new film looks amazing (and risky) by Sam Sokolow

Sam Sokolow

Zemeckis' new film looks amazing (and risky)

The first release photos look amazing - the de-aging tech is getting better - and the bold decision to make an entire feature where the camera never moves must take a tremendous amount of VFX and editing technique to remain vibrant, in motion and interesting. I cannot wait to see this film (Zemeckis is one of my all-time favorite directors). Have you all heard anything about this film?

Ashley Renee Smith

Wow! This looks crazy! I cant wait to see this.

Maurice Vaughan

"The camera never moves from a fixed position inside a home for the entire 104-minute runtime, as the viewers are treated to the stories of the people who made a home there." That's really interesting, Sam Sokolow! Looking forward to checking that out.

Christopher Maes

I hope there's a story. Great CGI and technique works for the first 5 minutes, then you need compelling characters, a beginning, middle & end. But if anyone can do it, Zemeckis can.

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