Introduce Yourself : Hi my name is Todd Goldfinger by Todd Goldfinger

Todd Goldfinger

Hi my name is Todd Goldfinger

I'd like to introduce myself, my name is Todd Goldfinger: Director of Global News for Millennium News TV 24, Musician, Journalist, former Livestreamer. My website for your consideration is: I would like to film a docuseries, or to be a part of an ensemble improvisational cast in a next gen "Curb spinoff" Wishing you all the most blessed day. Thank you so much.

Sincerely, Todd Goldfinger

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Todd Goldfinger. It's great to meet you. I suggest adding a profile picture when you get a chance. People will feel more comfortable networking and collaborating with you if they know what you look like. And if you have a picture, your profile will show up when someone searches for you.

Mark Deuce

Welcome aboard Todd Goldfinger

Amanda Toney

Glad to have you here Todd! I’d put up a job post to look for volunteer improv collaborators, just click Jobs in the top menu bar. And, agree with Maurice - make sure your photo is uploaded so we know who we are networking with!

Richard "RB" Botto

Some sound advice here already, Todd Goldfinger. I'll just drop this here to give you some course knowledge to get you rolling.

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Robin Gregory

Happy to have you here, Todd Goldfinger ! Looking forward to watching what you're up to.

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