Filmmaking / Directing : July Filmmakers Clu - Week 3: Networking by Rachel Troche

Rachel Troche

July Filmmakers Clu - Week 3: Networking

I'm what you would call an introverted extrovert - when I have to, I can turn on the bubbly extroverted personality, but if I don't HAVE to, I won't.

And putting myself out there? It takes a lot.

After spending some time in sales I've gotten a lot better at reaching out and building relationships. It still takes a lot out of me, especially if it's a big ask, or what I perceive is a big ask.

But my goal is to get a seat at the table, so I need to get comfortable with being temporarily uncomfortable and surrounding myself with people who make me want to be better.

One of the things I started doing to help with that, especially since I don't live in a film hub, is using social media to connect with Filmmakers I admire. I follow contests, listen to podcasts, and reach out that way to ask questions. I got connected with my screenwriting coach by asking a successful first time screenwriter what she recommended for other first timers. I follow those who are making waves and cheer on their successes, then ask questions like "where's the best place to get coverage" or "what was your experience like at this festival?"

Today I took a big risk and reached out to someone I went to school with who's becoming a major player in Hollywood. I didn't ask for anything, I just wanted to start a conversation and congratulate him on all his success so far. Who knows if it will go anywhere, the point is the effort is there. All we can do keep making and fostering those authentic connections.

Maurice Vaughan

I'm an introverted extrovert too, Rachel Troche. You're taking the right steps to reach your goal! Congratulations on taking the big risk! You handled it in the right way. Hope you continue to get better at reaching out and building relationships and hope you reach your goal!

Brian Gunter

Good for you! I’m in a similar boat. Reaching out and meeting new people makes me physically (sometimes painfully so) uncomfortable. I also have a sales background that in one way helped, but in another way maybe gave me cptsd. I find most of social media is an everyone for themselves environment. No matter what nice things people say about their intentions. So networking there feels like putting way too much precious energy into the wrong bucket, so to speak. I have however, been very encouraged by the vibe here at stage 32. Seems like folks genuinely want to be helpful, and in large part feel the same way as I do about other social media platforms.

So cheers to you for overcoming! Keep up the great work!

Bradford Richardson

Right there with you, Rachel. Not literally. Ideologically.

Tom Lapke

Anyone who met me would be shocked to know how introverted I am, so I totally understand. Most people think that introverts/extroverts are just about being outgoing vs being insular and shy. But that isn't the case. It has to do with how it affects you. I can go out and be social and the life of the party, and have a great time doing it, but I find it draining as opposed to invigorating and need time to recharge, hence the introvertness. Others get drained from being alone or on downtime and invigorated by being social. What is funny is I was the complete opposite in my 20s. I would climb the walls if I didn't go out on Friday and Saturday. Now I love nothing more than a quiet night at home. But we are in a business of connections, so you have to be comfortable "flipping the switch."

Ashley Ottesen

I call it an "omnivert," and I'm right there with you. Congrats on that big risk!

Rachel Troche

Ashley Ottesen I like that!!

Ashley Renee Smith

I'm also an introverted extrovert and it can take a lot of energy to turn it on despite it seeming natural to others, which tends to leave me worn out. So I completely relate!

Xochi Blymyer

So true. It's not easy but you won't know til you try. I reached out to an actor I worked with to ask if he'd read my script with it not attached, just a hello and what I'd been up to. He said yes! So I then sent it to him. Have not heard from him and it's been a couple months BUT I did it. And who knows, if I were to get the funding for this film, I could reach back out to him as the conversation has already been started.

Ashley Renee Smith

Rachel Troche- This week's blog is now LIVE with the week 4 July Filmmakers Club challenges! Anyone participating this week will be eligible for one of the 3 DaVinci Resolve Editing Licenses I'll be giving away on Friday. Don't miss out! The blog can be found here:

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