Introduce Yourself : I hope I didn’t miss my chance by Nicholas P

Nicholas P

I hope I didn’t miss my chance

Hello from Nicholas P. I hope I didn’t miss my chance to introduce myself, even though I am taking the time to do it now. I have nothing but time after finishing a script.

Maurice Vaughan

You didn't miss your chance, Nicholas P. It's the first day of Introduce Yourself Weekend. Congratulations on finishing your script!

Brian Smith

It's never too late to introduce yourself, Nicholas P ! Congrats on finishing your script. What's your plan for it moving forward?

Nicholas P

Thank you Brian Smith Maurice Vaughan it’s rewarding to me to share that I’ve grown since 2019 when I started writing screenplays. Every character I have come up with, makes me want to see more.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Nicholas P.

Xochi Blymyer

congrats on finishing your script and it’s never too late to say hello.

Nicholas P

Thank you Xochi Blymyer and I hope you have a great weekend

Nicholas P

Hey Mark Deuce Hope you're enjoying your Saturday.

Nick Phillips

You're just in time Nicholas P!

Nicholas P

I guess I thought it was every Tuesday of the third week Nick Phillips but thank you. I’m glad I made it

Asmaa Jamil

welcome and introductions are ongoing in this community.

Jason Mirch

Never too late, Nicholas P ! Glad to have you in the community! If you've finished the script and you're ready to start looking for revisions, hit me up at - we can work on some next steps.

David Zannoni

Congrats Nicholas P . What is the script about?

Nicholas P

Thank you Jason Mirch David Zannoni the script is about a detective trying to uncover a hacker’s plot and his motive

Nicholas P

Jason Mirch i look forward to it and thank you

Sarah Jane Mc Carthy

Hi Nicholas and welcome. Well done on finishing your script, its a great achievement!

Richard "RB" Botto

Never too late, Nicholas P. Congratulations on the latest milestone.

Nicholas P

Thank you Richard "RB" Botto Sarah Jane Mc Carthy its been a fun ride.

Nicholas P

David Zannoni its about a police detective that uncovers a hacker’s identity and learns their motives

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