Introduce Yourself : Writer/Composer/Singer Songwriter by Jim Westlyn

Jim Westlyn

Writer/Composer/Singer Songwriter

I always intend to spend more time with this community because I recognize how much I have in common with many of you.

I invest a lot of time with a guitar in my hands; it's proven to be both a smart move and a pleasure.

I live in central Virginia and play at some of the wineries out in the Charlottesville area. If you came out to a Jim Westlyn gig, you'd hear fingerstyle guitar, Rock, Jazz, 70's stuff like James Taylor and Paul Simon... I try to perform rather than just play.

I'm also working on short stories, two nonfiction books, a novel, a memoir (I had a unique childhood) and a couple of screenplay ideas. I recognize that I'm much better at starting than finishing.

My main interest here is to network with other musicians and writers. I like to collaborate; the process of bouncing ideas back and forth always gets a lot of energy flowing.

Thanks for this opportunity to get involved with all of you.

Maurice Vaughan

Great to meet you, Jim Westlyn. I lived in Richmond as a kid. I like listening to jazz. Sometimes when I'm writing and sometimes when I'm relaxing. Is your music online?

Linwood Bell

Maurice Vaughan I grew up in Richmond. :)

Ashley Renee Smith

Welcome back, Jim Westlyn!

A great way to network here on Stage 32 is to join in on July Filmmakers Club! It's a month-long series of FREE events, resources, and prize giveaways that we're hosting to help our members learn more about indie filmmaking and make new connections. You can join in NOW by clicking on the link below and posting in the Filmmaking Lounge to tell everyone about your goals!

Then make sure that you participate in next week's challenges which will be outlined in Monday's blog so that you are eligible to win 1 of 3 FREE DaVinci Resolve Licenses that I'll be giving away on Friday the 26th!

Opstar Anima

Hello Jim

How are you

Brian Rudolph

Hi Jim. we share similar interests. I enjoy writing including song writing and have recently put my creative skills into a short story/novel that I’m trying to get published and promote. So interesting to hear you sing at wineries.

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