Acting : James Spader Sets Marvel Return as Ultron in ‘Vision’ Series by Tom Lapke

Tom Lapke

James Spader Sets Marvel Return as Ultron in ‘Vision’ Series

I loved Spader as Ultron (one of the few good things about the movie). I would watch him read a phone book.

James Spader Sets Marvel Return as Ultron in 'Vision' Series
James Spader Sets Marvel Return as Ultron in 'Vision' Series
James Spader is set to reprise Ultron from 2015's "Avengers: Age of Ultron" for Marvel Studios' upcoming Vision series with Paul Bettany.
Shaun Kolich

I was a fan of his in Black List until the twist away from him being her father then I stopped watching lol. I know he had nothing to do with that but man. It was a no go for me.

Suzanne Bronson

I loved him in Stargate.

Maurice Vaughan

James Spader does incredible in every role, Tom Lapke! Ultron is one of the best things about Avengers: Age of Ultron. Excited that he's coming back and James Spader is playing him!

Tom Lapke

Interesting story about Spader and the Blacklist I was told by a CD.

They were casting an actor who needed to speak fluent German. The actor they cast faked it by learning all the lines in German, but not knowing anything else about the language. He faked it all the way up to shoot day, where he is now in a scene with the lead, and they change the lines on the fly. It then came out that he could not speak a word of German outside of the lines he had learned phonetically. They removed him from the set. It was a whole thing. I have no idea what this actor could have been thinking.

The moral of the story is - don't lie on your resume.

Ashley Renee Smith

Spader is a powerhouse! I'm actually excited that he's coming back for Vision!

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