Animation : ‘Blue Eye Samurai’ Wins Animation Award at the 76th Emmys by Ashley Renee Smith

Ashley Renee Smith

‘Blue Eye Samurai’ Wins Animation Award at the 76th Emmys

Hey, All!

What do you think about Blue Eye Samurai winning this year's Outstanding Animated Program Emmy? I haven't had a chance to see it yet, but I've heard great things!

J.R Meek

It was either this show or the Scavengers show. Both phenomenal shows with great visuals and storytelling. Blue Eye Samurai is well-deserved and I'm excited to see the second season.

Ashley Renee Smith

I've taken way too long to watch it! I clearly need to make it my next binge.

Leonardo Ramirez

I've only caught snippets of it and the visuals look amazing Ashley Renee Smith !

Kevin Jackson

WELL deserved. That animation is worth watching a few times.

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