Introduce Yourself : New Community Mebmber by Adam Purvis

New Community Mebmber

Hi everyone, I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Adam, and I am a scripted editor based in NJ . I'm excited to be a part of this community and i look forward to connecting, learning, and hopefully collaborating with you guys.

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Adam Purvis. I’m a Stage 32 Lounge Moderator. I wanted to let you know I moved your post from the Post-Production Lounge to the Introduce Yourself Lounge. The Introduce Yourself Lounge is a place to introduce/reintroduce yourself to the community. The main Lounges (Post-Production Lounge, Producing Lounge, Filmmaking/Directing Lounge, etc.) are places to talk with other creatives and industry pros, discuss things about editing/producing/directing/etc., share content like editing tip videos, offer tips/advice, ask for feedback, and discuss topics related to different areas of the industry. Let me know if you have any questions.

Adam Purvis

Hey Maurice, thank you for the information and the kind welcome.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Adam Purvis. Here's a great blog that'll help you navigate Stage 32 for your best experience:

Jody Parker

Welcome!! Nice to meet you.

Adam Purvis

Nice to meet you as well Jody!

Giovanna Silvestre

Nice to meet you Adam. I’m new as well!

Adam Purvis

nice to meet you as well Giovanna Silvestre !

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