Hope everyone is having a productive year.
I, myself, have a Christmas movie launching in November, had a script go into option, finished 2 new contained horror scripts, adapted one of my Christmas scripts into a book, about to launch a new children's book in a trilogy, and last but not least shopping a new female-led comedy/horror script called "Slay Belles," about a small town Christmas beauty pageant that turns deadly when a masked Santa assailant slays the competition one belle at a time! Have received great feedback on it, and a couple name directors have shown interest, just need to find a producer-- Story of all our lives!
Never give up!
Congratulations on your accomplishments, Tony Jerris! Slay Belles sounds interesting! Fantastic title!
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Thanks, Maurice Vaughan!
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You're welcome, Tony Jerris. Hope your trilogy book launch goes great! Let us know when they come out.
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Thanks Jack Binder
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Slay Belles sounds awesome Tony! That is a great contained thriller and I have no doubt you'll find collaborators for it!