Hi, I'm Luis Davila, and I'm a screenwriter who is trying to get his foot in the door in the field and has been on a bit of a break due to real world stuff and taking care of my mental health. I have sent out a few written pitches within the last couple of months and I am working towards another pitch to send out once I feel that it's ready along with seeing about connecting with the right people who may have interest in my ideas. I am looking to create new connections and find my tribe where I feel that I belong with the community. I look to hearing from new people whenever able. Thanks.
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Hi, Luis E Davila Jr. Great to see you at IYW again! Did you hear back about your pitches?
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Hi Luis, this is the best place to be to help you get a foot in the door., so welcome. What’s your favourite genre?
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Hey, Luis E Davila Jr! Great to see you! I'm glad that you're reintroducing yourself to the community!
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Hi, Luis! Glad you're here on Stage 32...and here's wishing you all the VERY BEST!