Hello, my name is waheed, I’m a comic book writer, and I’ve recently launched my trans media venture under the media brand I call Spark Thunder. This will hold my comic book brand called “ Knight Stallion” with the first release being “Black Ronin” and the horror/thriller brand called “Grim Gala”
Great titles, Waheed Rehman! When is Knight Stallion coming out?
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The site is up, knightstallion.com
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Always happy to meet comic writers. I'm a screenwriter -- but would straight up KILL to get to write for comic books! Alas, it seems the only ways in are either a) be a writer/artist, b) hire an artist to make a full book to pitch around/sell, c) know someone. Writing movies is slightly easier, only because there are places that openly have producers looking for certain material (Stage 32 Writers' Room, Inktip, Screenwriting Staffing, ISA, etc.). If such places exist for comic writers, I've yet to find them and would love to be steered in the right direction.
Thanks, Waheed Rehman. I'll check it out.