Introduce Yourself : Favorite Holiday Movie Character by Maurice Vaughan

Maurice Vaughan

Favorite Holiday Movie Character

Happy Holidays, everyone! Hope you’re doing great! My name’s Maurice. I’m a screenwriter (mainly Horror and Action), ghostwriter, commercial writer, pitch deck designer, and Stage 32 Lounge Moderator.

Who’s your favorite Holiday movie character? Mine is Jim Carrey’s Grinch. He’s so hilarious and weird!

And this weekend is Stage 32's Introduce Yourself Weekend (Friday the 20th - Monday the 23rd)! Introduce/reintroduce yourself.

Jon Shallit

I know Maurice and he is a supportive and kind participant on here. He always answers questions. He has a good heart!

Kevin Gamble

MERRY CHRISTMAS! I don't have a favorite, but I love all the Christmas classics.

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Jon Shallit. Thanks! I really appreciate it. Do you have a favorite character?

Maurice Vaughan

Merry Christmas, Kevin Gamble! I love the classics too. It’s a Wonderful Life is one of my favorites.

Kevin Gamble

Maurice Vaughan A Christmas Story is up there with my favorites, still have it on VHS.

Maurice Vaughan

A Christmas Story is up there for me too, Kevin Gamble. I found out a little while back that there's a sequel.

Keely Kemp

Hello Maurice! Happy Holidays to you and yours! My favorite holiday character is, and will always be, Rudolph. <3

Maurice Vaughan

Happy Holidays to you and yours, Keely Kemp. I loved Rudolph growing up. I haven't seen Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Movie in a long time. I might watch it this year.

Sandra Isabel Correia

Happy holidays my sweet friend and I hope will give you more creative ideas for your projects :)) Ah ah ah I love that photo :)) My favorite will be always ET by Steven Spielberg, even isn’t a Xmas movie, for me will be always, because makes me dream and believe. And Xmas is that :)) Have an amazing time :))

Maurice Vaughan

Happy Holidays, Sandra Isabel Correia! I just came up with two holiday script ideas last night. One idea is for a short script and the other idea can be a short or feature. I loved ET as a kid. I had the ET plush toy. Hope you and your family have an amazing time on Christmas!

Billy Kwack

Hi Maurice, the grinch, I don't think I ever seen that movie. I'll look for it

Maurice Vaughan

It's a hilarious movie, Billy Kwack! I might rewatch it this weekend. I watched the 2018 animated movie yesterday. It's funny! Have you seen it?

Leonardo Ramirez

Hey Maurice Vaughan - always good to meet up on here. I'm not sure if I would count Charlie Brown as a holiday character but my favorite holiday show is "A Charlie Brown Christmas" so I'll have to stick with that. After that...John McClane!

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Leonardo Ramirez. Always good to hear from you. Charlie Brown counts. A Charlie Brown Christmas is on my watch list this month. I might watch Die Hard too. And I might just watch Christmas movies the rest of the month. Home Alone, Christmas with the Kranks, A Christmas Story, etc.

Leonardo Ramirez

I forgot to mention Home Alone 2 Maurice Vaughan. I’m fond of that one because it’s set in my birthplace of NYC and the slapstick is a bit more hardcore. Those bricks are brutal!

Maurice Vaughan

I'm not sure if I like Home Alone 1 or 2 more, Leonardo Ramirez. I like that Home Alone 2 has a bigger setting though. Yeah, those bricks are brutal! Harry and Marv really went through it!

Billy Kwack

Hi Maurice, bits of it, when I was young

Nick J Benson

Mine would be Krampus

Sandra Isabel Correia

You are the most creative mindset I know Maurice Vaughan and I hope you write about your new stories :)) Ahaha ET is special for all of us! Happy holidays my good friend :)) Thank you

Maurice Vaughan

Are you talking about this Grinch, Billy Kwack?

Maurice Vaughan

Krampus is scary, Nick J Benson! I rewatched that movie the other day. Santa in the script I'm rewriting has some similarities to Krampus in "Krampus"

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Sandra Isabel Correia. Thanks for the compliment! There's a lot of creative people on Stage 32 too, like you. I might write the holiday short script tomorrow. Have a great weekend!

Billy Kwack

Hi Maurice, yes. I found the Grinch on Hulu, but it's not free. I can find it

Maurice Vaughan

Cool, Billy Kwack. I didn't know it was on Hulu. Thanks. I watched this Grinch yesterday:

Billy Kwack

Hi Maurice, never seen that one before, I definitely want to see the live action one and it will be good to see Jim Carrey

Maurice Vaughan

I think you're gonna really like How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Billy Kwack! Hope we get a Grinch 2 with Jim Carrey.

Sam Sokolow

Give me George Bailey in It's A Wonderful Life all day long. Everything, everywhere all at once Christmas character to me. John McLain comes in a distant second if helicopters and guns get involved. Happy and blessed holidays everyone!!

Billy Kwack

Hi Maurice, I found Grinch on peacock and princess bride on Hulu. Going to watch both

Maurice Vaughan

George Bailey is one of my favorite Holiday movie characters, Sam Sokolow. It's a Wonderful Life is probably my favorite black & white film. I need to rewatch that movie and study it. Happy Holidays!

Maurice Vaughan

Cool, Billy Kwack. Enjoy! I haven't seen The Princess Bride in a long time. I might rewatch it soon. Happy Holidays!

Billy Kwack

Hi Maurice, taking a small break to check my emails. It's very imaginary

E Langley

John McClane. Yippee Ki Yay!

Michael Dzurak

Geena Davis as "Charly Baltimore" in "The Long Kiss Goodnight" (1996) written by Shane Black. Takes place during Christmas (like many of Black's scripts) and is badass and underrated but flopped bad. Too dark with too little feel good moments. But goddamn I love this movie. Geena was my first crush.

Maurice Vaughan

"Yippee Ki Yay." One of the most iconic lines in movie history, E Langley. Challenge: work "Yippee Ki Yay" into a conversation

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Michael Dzurak. I remember watching The Long Kiss Goodnight way back, I don't remember what happened in the movie. I need to rewatch it. Geena Davis is an incredible actress! She's in some of my favorite movies. I just found out she's in Blink Twice.

E Langley

This guy Hans Gruber was like tryin' to kill me and said, "Do you really think you have a chance against us, Mr. Cowboy?" and I was like, "Yippee-ki-yay, [really naughty word]."

Maurice Vaughan

"[really naughty word]" Haha You passed the challenge, E Langley. You win a holiday cruise!

António Monfort

Hey Maurice I would love one day to see one of your movies

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, António Monfort. I'd love to watch the movies you act in. Hope you and your family have an incredible time on the holidays!

Robin Gregory

I absolutely LOVED Bill Nighy in Love Actually.

"Hi kids, here's an important message from your Uncle Bill: don't buy drugs. Become a pop star and they give you them for free." Ha!

Brian Smith

I'm going with Chuck Jones' Grinch.

Jon Shallit

Kris Kringle Miracle on 34th- Gwenn- amazing

Maurice Vaughan

Scrooge is one of my favorite characters, Matthew Kelcourse. Someone should make a Scrooge/Grinch movie.

Maurice Vaughan

I still need to see Love Actually, Robin Gregory. Bill Nighy is a fantastic actor!

Maurice Vaughan

He's a mean one, Brian Smith.

Maurice Vaughan

One of the best Holiday movie characters. Jon Shallit!

Nick Phillips

Gotta be John McCLane for me Maurice Vaughan! : )

Nick Phillips

Amazing how many comments this post generated btw!

Maurice Vaughan

Yeah, it's pretty amazing, Nick Phillips. John McCLane is getting a lot of love on this post. Happy Holidays!

Robin Gregory

Hey Maurice Vaughan I think LOVE ACTUALLY is free on Amazon Prime right now.

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Robin Gregory. I have Amazon Prime. I might watch it tonight. Maybe a double feature. Love Actually and Christmas with the Kranks (rewatch).

Robin Gregory

Maurice Vaughan Let us know what you think!

Maurice Vaughan

Ok, I will, Robin Gregory. I'll probably put it on this post. Happy Holidays!

Linwood Bell

I'm with Leo...I watch Charlie Brown every year. Vince's music is so great on that. Love it!

Maggie Grant

I have to stick with my absolute favorite Christmas film. If you don't recognize this picture as me, and you are in store for a very fun movie.

Vital Butinar

Maurice Vaughan nice to see you and happy holidays! My favorite Christmas character is John Mcclane, just because my entire family starts to go screwy during the holidays and wants to watch Christmas movies, so I always try to throw in some Christmas movies that I won't fall asleep and screw with them a little. :D

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Maggie Grant. "Come on, kid... Come onnn!" Haha I plan on rewatching A Christmas Story on Christmas.

Maurice Vaughan

Nice to see you too, Vital Butinar. Happy Holidays! John Mcclane is one of my favorites too. My Christmas Day watch list is A Christmas Story, Die Hard, and Home Alone.

Vital Butinar

Maurice Vaughan well my family usually wants to watch a movie made by a Slovenian director in Poland called Letters to Santa. It's actually a nice movie and I like it, but I can usually only take one viewing per season and some others like Home Alone I need a couple of years in between. :)

Maurice Vaughan

I'll have to check out Letters to Santa, Vital Butinar.

JR Rodriguez

Alastair Sim as Ebenezer Scrooge....Every year, WAY too late at night it comes on and I watch it. Ever since childhood. Have the Happiest of Holidays, Maurice!!! Here's to a bright, shiny New Year!!!

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, JR Rodriguez. I don't think I've seen that version of A Christmas Carol. I just put it on my watch list. Happiest of Holidays! Hope you have an incredible New Year!

Jason Mirch

Bill Murray's character Frank Cross in Scrooged. Honorable mention shoutouts to George Bailey, Clark W. Griswold, and of course John McClane.

Maurice Vaughan

Frank Cross and Ebenezer Scrooge in A Christmas Carol (1984) are tied for my favorite Scrooge character, Jason Mirch. Clark W. Griswold is one of my favorite Holiday movie characters. Chevy Chase is hilarious!

William Monette

Kevin McCallister from Home Alone, and Clark Griswold.

Maurice Vaughan

Happy Holidays, William Monette! Kevin McCallister is my second favorite Holiday movie character behind Grinch. Kevin messed up Harry and Marv!

Maria Caeiro

Hi, I am a Charles Dickens fan. I love his stories and Scrooge, A Christmas Carol is one of my favourite,

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Maria Caeiro. I'm a Charles Dickens fan too. My favorite Charles Dickens stories are A Christmas Carol and Oliver Twist.

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