In my comedy/horror screenplay there are occasional "moans and groans" from ghosts and a monster, off-screen. In screenplay format do I give that SFX cue in a seperate line, like a character's dialogue? Or do I just keep it in the body of the paragraph describing the scene? I know I should know this already but I'd like your comments. Cheers.
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I'd put them in action lines, Gerry Barrett.
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I might be wrong but I'd put that in an action line as noise, as it isn't dialogue. Though I defer to more seasoned screenwriters.
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I like saving page space. Whatever you decide to do, just be consistent throughout.
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Agreed. An Action. Something like,
OFFSCREEN: The MOAN of Ghosts and Monsters.
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Action line it is. Thanks everyone.
You're welcome, Gerry Barrett.