Introduce Yourself : Hi Everyone! by Sylwia Dubzinska

Sylwia Dubzinska

Hi Everyone!

Hi Everyone! Im Sylwia, Im a DGA Assistant Director working in Los Angeles.   I 1st AD and Key 2nd but climbed the ranks from PA to Trainee to  running basecamp and 2nd 2nd so Ive run the gambit. I also produce now on low budget features.  I recently taught 2 courses on Stage 32, one on Keying and one on 2nd 2nding.  It's great that there's interest in how to be an AD!  Its a hard job and a lot of it is taught on the run but there are so many little details that go into the job its great theres somewhere you can get some more detailed info.  Keep making movies and remember most of the movie is actual made in PREP :) 

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Sylwia Dubzinska. It's great to meet you. How's your year going? What's your favorite genres to work in?

Cyrus Sales

Hello Sylwia Dubzinska - pleasure to get connected. Amazing job with putting in the work and climbing the ranks. What advice would you give someone who's currently a PA looking to climb the ranks to where you are at? What actionable steps can they take to get to where you are?

Amanda Toney

Sylwia Dubzinska - your knowledge is terrific! Can you give some advice on how to overcome imposter syndrome if you want to break in?

Sylwia Dubzinska

Cyrus Sales I think first off if you havent looked at the DGA Training Program I recommend you take a look- its a fast track if what you want to do is AD. Finding LA PA groups on Facebook is a great way to find work. Check out production assistants united on instagram. And as a personal piece of advice remember to always walk the fine line of being confident but not cocky. If you get on set we do want to see that theres confidence and a willingness to get in there as a PA and work together but what we dont want is someone who is so self assured that it comes off rude or like a know it all.

Sylwia Dubzinska

Amanda Toney imposter syndrome is hella real and I think especially relevant in a lot of ways for us ladies. Mindfulness would be my recommendation. Especially try meditations on confidence. I know it sounds hokey but theres a lot out there to help with saboteur thoughts and ive found 10 minutes of checking in on my thoughts, on those doubtful thoughts in particular, to see if they have any merits as something super helpful to get my bearings and see if I should actually be doubting myself or not. It's a practice worth pursuing/trying. If youre interested I recommend checking out "Why Buddhism is True: The Science and Philosophy or Meditation". If apps are more your thing I HIGHLY recommend Waking Up which will get you started on how to meditate in the first place and help you get those 10 minutes in every day or for a podcast try Youre not A Fraud: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome from the Jungian Life Podcast.

Xochi Blymyer

Hello, I know you. Good to see you here.

Nick Phillips

Hello Sylwia Dubzinska! Great to meet you! What you guys do is such a vital part of the process, and it's so great that you're imparting your wisdom and experience here on Stage 32. What's coming up for you this year?

Sam Sokolow

It's awesome seeing you here on IYW, Sylwia Dubzinska. I love your advice on imposter syndrome and meditation/mindfulness - it's so important to approach the work from a grounded and confident place. Your Certification courses on Assistant Directing are amazing!!!

Leonardo Ramirez

I love your perseverance Sylwia Dubzinska. Congratulations on the journey you've traveled, the obstacles you've overcome and what is yet to be!

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