Introduce Yourself : 2025 Is Challenging Us already but we will Show it Who's boss by Xochi Blymyer

Xochi Blymyer

2025 Is Challenging Us already but we will Show it Who's boss

Hello All, reintroducing myself. DGA 1st AD most of the time but also a documentary maker, a script writer and perhaps a producer of said scripts one day. I was reenergized this week on my documentary when a friend who teaches editing in San Antonio used my unfinished documentary for the class project of making short film versions. Those kids made some very cool half hour cuts with music and visual effects, even subtitles and found footage to make their cuts interesting. Made me realize that this movie, whenever I can finally get funding for it, will be a show you'll want to see. That is my 2025 hope and dream. Take care all.

Maurice Vaughan

"2025 Is Challenging Us already but we will Show it Who's boss." Exactly, Xochi Blymyer. If 2025 gets too bad, we'll just get rid of it and hire a new year. Haha That's great that the students were able to learn by using your documentary. And that's generous of you to let them use it.

Pat Savage

Welcome to Stage32! You have the best year of your career!!

Sandra Isabel Correia

I love the enlightened energy you share with all of us Xochi Blymyer it’s such a good pleasure to read you! Happy IYW!

Ashley Renee Smith

Xochi Blymyer, great to see you my friend. =) Will you be able to get back on set soon or is all filming for the show still on hold currently?

Also, how cool that your project was used in a class! That's so fun. I'm certainly excited to see your documentary when it's finished.

Xochi Blymyer

Ashley Renee Smith we were off for the first three days but back to work this past week. they’ve been keeping us notified about the winds and any possible dangers.

Ashley Renee Smith

Glad to hear it, Xochi Blymyer! <3

Christopher Wells

Nice to meet you.

António Monfort

Hi Xochi Biymyer very interesting welcome to the Stage 32.

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