I’m a screenwriter. I am looking to connect with other people who just in believe that our filmmaking can lead to more understanding and more compassion for other people, that film can enlighten people, unite, and empower us. From anti-war and feminist plays written by the Greeks hundreds of years before Christ to great movies in our lifetime, we know that theatre has the ability to do this. Are you with us?
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HI there, I am si, a London, UK based producer and I am very interested in the idea of film and TV being used to raise consciousness!
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Hi, Carolfrances Likins. Great to meet you. Here's a recent blog that could help you make connections on Stage 32: www.stage32.com/blog/the-importance-of-community-and-collaboration-in-th...
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Hi, Carolfrances,
I would love to have a moe indpeth conversation about this as I am a believer in Christ and working towards creating content that reaches niche audiences with the gospel in multiple genres outside of "faith-based" ..
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"If you want to send a message, try Western Union". Frank Capra.
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I am with you, Carolfrances Likins! I believe that films and series can change the people watching them and if you can change one person you can change the world. There will always be a place for pure entertainment and genres that make audiences feel every emotion and reaction under the sun, from laughter to shock to wonder, but to me the best films connect us to feeling more empathy and understanding. In terms of distribution, we are one world now and we are seeing each other's films and series like never before - its so exciting - so films and series that connect us and tear down barriers in our collective understanding of each other are essential.