Screenwriting : Screenwriting Goal for the Week by Maurice Vaughan

Maurice Vaughan

Screenwriting Goal for the Week

What’s your screenwriting goal(s) for this week? Outline a script, write a short script, pitch, watch a webinar, etc. I’m on the tail end of a cold, so my goal is to get back to rewriting a feature script this week.

CJ Walley

I'm finishing off some outlining but have this one scene that's driving me insane. It's very abstract and I haven't found an abstraction I feel passionate about yet.

Maurice Vaughan

I know what you're going through, CJ Walley. Did you try using an object(s), color, or character to represent what you're trying to show? Or maybe I'm not understanding what you mean.

Mark Deuce

Thanks for sharing this!! I have some goals but they have gotten away from me and your post has put me back on track! Thanks again!!

CJ Walley

Maurice Vaughan, to a degree, yeah. I just spent an hour listening to some doom metal and that's provoked some ideas.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Mark Deuce. Glad my post got you back on track! Rooting for you to reach your goals!

Jim Boston

Maurice, my goal for this week is to launch a full-length script...the first time I've ever worked alongside a producer in my life. (He provided the backstory, and I went ahead and fleshed it out.)

Here's wishing you plenty of success here in 2025 (and beyond)!

Maurice Vaughan

Great, CJ Walley. Someone on Stage 32 suggested listening to music as a way to come up with script ideas. It sounds like it can work for scene ideas too. Thanks for the idea. I'm rooting for you to finish the outline! Looking forward to seeing the movie/show!

Maurice Vaughan

That's great, Jim Boston! Congratulations! Two tips for working alongside a producer:

Be open to notes (I'm sure you already know this though)

If you try to add a note to the script and it doesn't work, come up with something else that works and run it by the producer. Producers like when screenwriters are problem solvers. Sometimes I'll come up with different ways to fix a problem and show them to a producer.

Thanks. Hope you reach your goal and have plenty of success too!

Elber Procopio

I finished writing my script for a free informational video on how to generate amazing scripts for horror shorts!

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations on finishing your script, Elber Procopio!

Pedro Rosa

I'm about to start a new short script, my goal is fitheen pages before friday, let's see what happen, and congratulations on your script!

Maurice Vaughan

Great to meet you, Pedro Rosa. Thanks for the congratulations. 15 pages before Friday. You got this!

Maurice Vaughan

Get past page two. I dunno, Mike Childress. That's gonna be tough. Just kidding. You can do it, Waterboy. What genres are your scripts?

Maurice Vaughan

Yeah, I've heard Drama is king in the Nicholl, Mike Childress. If I submit a script to Nicholl, it'll either be a straight Drama or a Drama mixed with another genre, like Sci-Fi Drama.

Cool. I like writing shorts in between features. It doesn't take long to write a short, and sometimes I'll take a feature idea, write it as a short, and pitch the short as something that has potential to be a feature.

Petra Jurasova

Just reading movie scripts this week. :)

Maurice Vaughan

What scripts are you gonna read, Petra Jurasova?

Tucker Teague

I'm about 1/2 to 2/3 of the way through my S****y first draft and have gone back and made a ton of notes for changes, etc. My goal is to start getting a handle on those notes.

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations on the progress, Tucker Teague! I like to break notes into categories. That might help.

Petra Jurasova

Maurice Vaughan Tomorrow is Argo script :) I love this movie. I watched 20 times I guess :D

Maurice Vaughan

ARGO is an incredible movie, Petra Jurasova! I need to read the script. Did you hear about the script giveaway Stage 32 is having?

Petra Jurasova

Maurice Vaughan awww thank you. I just submitted my email address for the scripts. Thank you very much again Maurice. I just using website for reading scripts. :) Argo is really awesome movie.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Petra Jurasova. I'm not sure if I've used Imsdb before. Thanks.

Maurice Vaughan

I usually try to make my short scripts 5-8 pages, Mike Childress. I've noticed a lot of indie producers and directors want shorts that are 3-10 pages. I plan on writing 3-page shorts since they're cheaper to make, which makes them easier to pitch. Some producers and directors are ok with 12-15 pages. I occasionally see script leads for shorts up to 20 pages and over 20 pages.

Maurice Vaughan

A one-page competition sounds interesting, Mike Childress. I might enter some. Yeah, writing short scripts is a great exercise in plot/character triage/story arc control. It also helps writers learn how to leave out the unimportant stuff since there's only so much space.

CJ Walley

Mike Childress, I used to write 5 page shorts. One act per page. Great boot camp.

Maurice Vaughan

I write commercials too, Mike Childress, which are 15 seconds, 30 secs, etc. Writing a story in 15 secs/etc. is tough sometimes, but it's great practice. You really have to focus on the important stuff and leave out the rest with a commercial script.

Maurice Vaughan

Haha Mike Childress. I don't write treaties. Yet. Just scripts and commercials. I have written short stories, PSAs, poems, skits, etc.

Ricki Holmes

Dig deeper into character arcs and relationships in my ensemble horror, Shadow Dance. After listening to Kay last night brilliantly dissect, and offer insight to a script during the coverage report, it made me realize I have a hell of a long way to go.

Maurice Vaughan

Rooting for you to reach that goal, Ricki Holmes! I'm working on those things with my script rewrite too. SHADOW DANCE is a catchy title. Kay knows her stuff, and she's always encouraging the community to learn more and get better at whatever area of the industry they're in.

Ricki Holmes

Cheers, Maurice.

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