Hey everyone! I am really excited to be here and start this journey! I've spent over 20 years in construction but film has always been my passion. I'm in the Atlanta area and I would like to connect and learn how to navigate this business. Hmu if you need some help. Experience is everything to me. I went to school for video cinematography at Full Sail, I've written an amazing thriller but want to know all aspects of this business.
Hey, Erika McKoy. Great to meet you. Here's a blog that'll help you make connections on Stage 32: www.stage32.com/blog/the-importance-of-community-and-collaboration-in-th...
A lot of the Blogs (www.stage32.com/blog), Lounge posts (www.stage32.com/lounge), and Education (www.stage32.com/education) will help you learn how to navigate the business.
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Thank you Maurice.
You're welcome, Erika McKoy. I think it's cool that you went to Full Sail for video cinematography. I wanted to go for animation back in school. How was Full Sail?
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Welcome aboard Erika McKoy. BTW, (I can kind of say this aloud this year) I'm a big Dirty Birds fan. Hmm, maybe some of your settings might take place in the construction field. It's great to have you in our community. You'll find a lot of resources here. Check out the Lounge tab for specific topic discussions and jump on in.
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Maurice Vaughan the instructors and the courses were brilliant. Unfortunately, I didn't finish due to my work schedule but, what I learned in a year is priceless.
Thank you @Debbie Elicksen. I really appreciate the welcomes. I'm so out of my comfort zone, it means a lot. (not a big dirty birds fan, I'm a humble Giants fan from Jersey lol)
I'm an Eagles fan, Erika McKoy. And a Steelers fan. And a Panthers fan. :D What's your Thriller script about?
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Since I don't have any favorite to win the Super Bowl, I'll route for the Eagles Maurice Vaughan :)
My thriller is about a detective investigating gruesome murders where the victims are left posed in public places. During her investigation, she realizes there's more than one killer. What she doesn't know is they are connected.
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Yes! Eagles are gonna win, Erika McKoy.
Your Thriller sounds interesting. You could post it on your profile. Producers search profiles on here for projects. Click the gear symbol in the top right-hand corner and select “Edit profile” in the drop-down menu. Scroll down to “Loglines” and click “Add/edit loglines” to the right of “Loglines.” You can also post your script on your profile this way: www.stage32.com/loglines (near the top where it says “Add a Logline”)
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Maurice Vaughan thanks again for the info. My script is registered and copywritten but it makes me nervous to put it out there. What are your thoughts on that?
You're welcome, Erika McKoy. Is your script registered with the U.S. Copyright Office? If so, I think you should post your script on your profile. It's rare for someone to steal a script, and I haven't heard it happening on Stage 32. I sold four short scripts to a producer through Stage 32. We networked for a little while. Afterwards, he checked the scripts I had on my profile and picked four.
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Go Birds! That’s really the only thing I have to offer this conversation, but it’s nice to have you here, Erika!
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Yes Maurice Vaughan, it's registered with the U.S Copyright Office. That's amazing! I bet that was an experience you won't forget. Hoping to feel that one day. I posted it. Check it out when you get a chance. I'd love to hear your feedback.
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Eric Boles lol. Thank you! I appreciate it.
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Ok, I'll check out your script when I get a chance, Erika McKoy. Hope you sell it!