Hi All,
I have a question about pitch sessions. I've done about ten and used the feedback from each to more finely tune my logline, plot summaries, and character descriptions. Great service. I was wondering if it would be wise to pitch the revised material to the same individual who was enthusiastic but had already passed or would it be better to try someone new? Thoughts?
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Hi, Laurie Woodward. I've heard of writers doing that. I've thought about doing it too. I plan on getting feedback from Pitch Sessions once I finish rewriting my feature script though. That way, I can get feedback from different people and see if there are any common issues in my pitch.
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If they were genuinely interested they'd move forward with the script and have you implement their notes.
Be careful implementing feedback from every Tom, Dick, and Harry. You can end up turning your script into soup. What you are looking for is alignment not consensus.
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CJ Walley: Thank you for your comment! That was my instinct but a small part of me was excited by how well the pitch session went. And I am using their notes to hone my pitch, not change my screenplay. I have already revised that ad naseum and was mentored by a seasoned screenwriter. I feel like it's strong. As you may also have discovered, summarizing a 114 page screenplay is very challenging! And in my case that was after adapting it from a 350 page novel. So I read each pitch's notes carefully to see if I am doing so clearly in a way that excites the reader. :)
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Sounds like you have your pitch nailed and some successes their, Laurie Woodward. I say go pitch it to some new parties and hopefully one will really connect with it.
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yea, what CJ and Dan said. I'd move on and not go back to the same folks.