Hi Stage32 community. My name is Giuseppe DiMarco. I just wrote my first movie script inspired by true events that happened in my hometown January 1966. It has been something I have wanted to do for a longtime now and now it is time for it to shine. I need to get an agent to pitch this movie. This is my dream and must be done! The script is done I just need to go over it again. Hope to make some new friends here and also learn from you all.
Welcome to the community, Giuseppe DiMarco. Great to meet you. Congratulations on writing your first script! My biggest tip is to network/build relationships with members on Stage 32. You might meet someone who refers you to an agent. Here's a blog that'll help you navigate Stage 32 and make connections: www.stage32.com/blog/how-to-successfully-navigate-the-stage-32-platform-...
You could enter a Stage 32 contest (www.stage32.com/scriptservices/contests). If you win a contest or place as a Finalist, Stage 32 will send your work to agents and literary managers who are seeking new talent. If you don't see contests that fit your projects, keep an eye on the Contest Page. Stage 32 will be adding more contests.
And you could search for an agent with IMDbPro (https://pro.imdb.com/signup/index.html).
You could also post your script on your profile. Producers search profiles on here for projects. Click the gear symbol in the top right-hand corner and select “Edit profile” in the drop-down menu. Scroll down to “Loglines” and click “Add/edit loglines” to the right of “Loglines.” You can also post your script on your profile this way (near the top where it says “Add a Logline”): www.stage32.com/loglines
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Thank you!
You're welcome, Giuseppe DiMarco. I hope that info helps you get an agent and sell your script!
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Congratulations Giuseppe DiMarco. That's fantastic. Now I'm intrigued about what happened in 1966.