Screenwriting : Why is so hard to find an agent or a list of production companies? by Luis Dazara

Why is so hard to find an agent or a list of production companies?

Got a lot of scripts to show and two big in the way and is so hard for me to make me listen given thata I live in Buenos Aires

Norman Welthagen

It is a little more difficult living outside of the Hollywood mainstream Louis. I face the same problem here. My scripts aren't typically South African and given the low budget nature of our industry, Hollywood has become my best option. My surname is Welthagen, but since dropping it for my middle name "William", I've managed to get more reads and a little further in my career. As for the lists of agents etc. I would suggest you stay away from agents and look rather to get a manager to start off with. They will take a keener interest in you and bridge the distance gap. Here's a nice list to get you started. Focus on managers.

Luis Dazara

Thanks, yeah well since I decided to be a screenwriters, I focus in hollywood, but not only big productions companies, started with small budget scripts, but now feel like i grow in this profesion and am writing big budget , now am writing two that are so huge, people that ahd read my scripts love it, but I dont know what to do to be listen, that drives me crazy, now started to offer again in my country also, so now is waiting, but will be great to have something, now that I know have these two scripts that am working, cant be ignore it. by the way real name is luis, pronounce the same, change the write, this my professional name, lets say, got it from one of the characters that I create in a film noir script

Keith F. Broad

Louis, proof-reading and editing is huge..... ... ..

Luis Dazara

yeah, of course I dont believe that am a amazing screenwriter, yeah for sure maybe will need editing my scripts from a profesional, that´s why, i beleive the rewrite is made more than three times but once that the script is buy it right? have so much to learn, I always wanna talk with other screenwriters, listen advices, share, ...

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