I work in Final Draft. Looking for some really compatible story/structure/character development software for the 'corkboarding' stage. I've tested Scrivener, which gave me some, but not all of the features I'm looking for. I work eclectically and on a mac. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I've tried so many, Dramatica, Movie Magic etc. They are money making tools that add nothing special to the creative procedure. All you need is Final Draft, a sharp pencil and a note pad
I agree with the above. I just completed a project using Celtx, a free, open-source program. I see where they're going with it, but the app is the most buggy I've ever used. The false sense of security it gave us made me wish we'd used printed scripts and highlighters instead.
LOL. Marcello couldn't agree more. Celtx is such an amazing idea and such a great opportunity for screenwriters who can't fork out the big $$ for Final Draft and the others. If they just sorted out the little issues in it I believe it could become a program used by many more working writers.