Check out this kickstarter for an awesome documentary I had the opportunity to work on.
Check out this kickstarter for an awesome documentary I had the opportunity to work on.
1 person likes this,8599,2084328,00.html If anyone wants to remind me to find the footage I describe below they can send me an email or call me anytime; maybe you can pass some links on to whomever it will help or who ever is doing this can contact me directly at or website is That link will show you Ms. Pickens, who has money, footage and the same general area of interest. Also, they have extensive property in Nevada. There's some other good footage out there, I even had some of it on my website till a couple years ago. I don't have the link to it right now, but it was for another rescue group and they had some Hollywood help, big names on screen, etc. I'll try and find that and post a link to you.