Cinematography : Motivation by Rachael Saltzman

Rachael Saltzman


I need a new reel. I have most of the footage...somewhere. Just can't bring myself to do it. Why?

Mark Cabaroy

It's hard to cut your own footage it's like admitting you have a favorite child or family member. Best to outsource it and let an editor put it together even if you edit yourself. That's what I need to do as well.

Travis Kolpack

Still looking for someone to edit your reel? I have a lot of post production experience, and would be willing to assist. I would provide a reel to show you my work, but I do post production in the military, and most of the footage is not public.

Rachael Saltzman

I do really need to do that - just shove all this stuff on a drive and let someone else have at it.

Jon B. Patton

A reel, as you know, is the "front door" to your business. Hunker down and get it done. Good luck.

Rachael Saltzman

Thanks, Jon :). I guess it's a positive thing that I've had too much work to put it together.

Stephen Foster

you're afraid. ask for help.

Rachael Saltzman

That's definitely part of it, Stephen. I'm definitely suffering from 'this all looks crap' at the moment.

Stephen Foster

well, you only need 1 minute of material. find a friend to look at it and just put in what you look great in

Rachael Saltzman

That poor friend! Hundreds of hours worth of material...

Nathan Blair

As an artist, you'll always be hard on yourself, and you should use that to constantly improve. Pick the frames that you hate the least, and make a quick montage. A reel is better than nothing at all. You will improve it over time as you learn. While you're watching, find the frames you hate the most and determine why you hate them. Analyzing your work is an important process in order to learn from your mistakes.

Nathan Blair

BTW: Just watched your stop animation. Excellent work!

Rachael Saltzman

Thanks, Nathan - very useful stuff. :) I like to paint and draw n stuff, so having a chance to incorporate that is nice.

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