Distribution : Do Screenwriters go to film festivals? by Anna Maria Elisa Manalo

Anna Maria Elisa Manalo

Do Screenwriters go to film festivals?

Hello I am new to the group (and the site). I am interested in going to Sundance to check out the festival, but it would mean taking off work at the busiest time of the year. What would be the benefits for a writer?

Philip Sedgwick

Yes! They should. You never know who you'll meet when. Build relationships, go light on pitching. Have your scripts in your phone or iPad, just in case. Nothing like an immediate send of a script.

Philip Sedgwick

PS... be polite, professional and don't pitch in bathrooms or lines to get a coffee or wine.

Ismael Peter

Wow for you a lot. I went to a couple in NYC last year and it helped me out alot. Yes, I write too, I've been writing since I was 12yo. Been in this business since I was 2yo so for me to stay in this hard business it's good to have more than 1 hat to wear. As my mom always says...I have 2 short films filed with WGA and 1 full length feature, so going to the festivals WHEN you can would be a BIG plus....

Anna Maria Elisa Manalo

Awesome! I'll plan on attending when I can get away from work. I'd love to see your films! Are they on here somewhere?

Ismael Peter

No not yet, I am in the casting process....with very little funding...like my mom is the producer so the budget is tight. She is doing all she can to get these off the ground for me....it's more on the fact that I need to deaf or hard-of-hearing kids. One boy about 12yo and one girl about 5-6yo....so that's whats holding things up. As for the feature, my mom says we should use kickstarter, but the finale draft hasn't been finished yet. The film might go out as a short also just to get the better funding needed. Even though I'm 14yo doesn't mean I can't think and figure these things out. For my mom the biggest problem is getting me the respect to do these....people have told her that i'm too young....can you believe that...? i guess they are nervous i might have something good I guess....lol Anyway, thats whats going on at this moment but thank you for asking....I'm sure you can relate to me being a writer yourself.....

Ismael Peter

When you my films do mean films I was in or my own work.....? I forgot to ask that...lol

Ismael Peter

Also, if you do to the left side you will see projects. I have 1 there right now....it is only a short line but don't want to give too much away...being it is a short.....and the other 2 will go up soon...waiting for my WGA reg.# to come in my mom doesn't want me to put anything up until it's protected.....she was a paralegal back in the day so.......Don't forget we have to do a project together...vampire kids.....

Anna Maria Elisa Manalo

You are one inspiring boy! Creative and motivated. I give you the best of luck! I look forward to the final product. Yes, I meant your own work. Create! You are the master of your creative destiny! :))

Kristen Tinsley

Ismael, your mom is awesome and you are so lucky to have her!

Ben Trebilcook

I went to Cannes five years in a row as a Screenwriter. I recall one year director Alan Parker (Evita) saying near to me along the lines of: 'Screenwriters are delusional if they think they're going to get a deal in Cannes.' One year, I wandered behind a major hotel in Cannes and saw a dumpster filled with screenplays. I was heartbroken. 'The next Sixth Sense could be in there!' I thought to myself. I was incredibly disheartened. This was around the 2002 / 2003 mark and emailed scripts have been the most suitable of today's world, whereas previous people would take hard copies. Good lord, why! I understood why the scripts were in the dumpster. Certainly unread, so I wasn't too saddened to realize that it was simply a weight issue. Can you imagine the huge amount stars, directors and producers from around the world being handed a screenplay? It's heavy. They don't want to take it back home with them. An emailed PDF is the weight of the cell phone they're already packing. So, I digressed a little. Is it worth attending film festivals? Yes indeed! You never know who you might meet. Take a bunch of business cards - get your BS-ometer at the ready, big yourself up. I have made screenwriting deals at film festivals, especially in Cannes. Mostly in bars and parties and one on board a yacht where I was intentionally 'lost'. (perhaps another blog on that), but yes - rule nothing out, but above all - have fun, relax, be confident. Once again - you never know who you might meet, personally and professionally.

Anna Maria Elisa Manalo

Ben - that's uplifting that despite what you saw in the dumpster, some deals were still made. When you say you went as a "Screenwriter", were you already produced or working for someone in the industry? When I get the money (and the vacation) again, I'll have to splurge and rent an apartment nearby so I can do my travel reviews and photos (at least) if nothing comes out of it.

Ben Trebilcook

Anna, I had been there as screenwriter who hadn't sold a thing before and I had been there when I had the cool associations to Mission Impossible and Die Hard franchises. It's an absolutely bizarre place whether you're produced, sold or whatever and you have access to people you wouldn't usually have access to. It's expensive and exhausting, but worth a visit nonetheless.

Anna Maria Elisa Manalo

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