Am a screenwriter, I live in Buenos Aires. I studied cinema, filmed some shorts but screenwriting is my passion so I had write scripts for 6 years now, wrote a lots of independent drama stories and now that I become more professional, I start write big budget stories, right now am working in three scripts (one style Sherlock Holmes, lets say, a futuristic politic thriller, and a comedy, more low budget this last one); and a play too. Every single script that I wrote got it in Spanish and English and in the standard forma, of course now am doiing another review to the translation to have in perfect english. For me is hard to find a way to show my scripts to agents or producers, given that dont have much resourses, but lately I have recived more anwsers, so gonna keep sending queries, wanna work with other screenwriter in a proyect, of course will write if a producers or director ask me. Sadly am having money troble am uneployed but at least never give up. last week meet some friends of one of mine and suddenly 20 people was listen to the story of my lart script "the mesmerist" was so cool for me, made me felt that am really have talent to entertain people, so gonna keep going and level up step by step. hope soon give me an opportunity XX