I am a product of a single parent, dysfunctional, physically, emotionally and verbally abusive household... Rape did enter into the house, but thank GOD, HE protected me from that. I have seen many things. In my youth, I watched friends die in front of my eyes right on the street from gun shot wounds. I have run through “shoot-outs” as a kid trying to get into the church doors. To be a child dealing with all of this was not really a huge problem for me, because I thought that everyone lived with these issues. But, not having a daddy, and living with an abusive mother, who, I believe, blamed me for the sins of my daddy, I thought, I felt, forgotten... BUT MY FATHER! HE NEVER LEAVES... NEVER FORSAKES... AND NEVER FORGETS... I JUST RECENTLY RELEASED MY FIRST CD...I am looking to encourage as many people as I can to be inspired and better themselves... My poetry is intended to inspire the common man to keep pushing and to be, forever, grateful... Check out my website and connect with me on facebook, twitter & myspace...♥ https://www.artistecard.com/JElizabethHardges Thank you SO much!!! ♥
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Elizabeth one of my current screenplays deals with the family and rape/incest. I am pitching it now along with a travel/reality show.