I am working on creating title in After Effects CS6 and I am stumped. I don't seem to know how to get started. I can see what I want my title to look like in my head, I sketch it out, but I don't know where to start when I open AE. Do I start with the background? Should I search for particle plug-ins first? I am new to the software and would love to hear anything from anyone about what I should do - the possibilities are limitless! Are the certain websites that I should check out with tutorials? I learn fast and would like to get going on my title production. On a side note, I'm not too sure about which plug-ins are the best for AE. Thanks! :)
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Have you looked at any of Andrew Kramer's work on Videocopilot.net?
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I haven't Ray, but I'll check it out. Thanks!
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Video Copilot is an excellent source for AE info but you can also go on You tube for even more basic tutorials. Start by making a new composition. Use the type tool to create text and use position key frames to move the text. Good luck
good for you. follow your dreams.
contact an adobe person.. they have their facebook pages, and will respond. Good luck!