This is an example from Blake Snyder for a 110 page script: Beat Sheet Page count110pp- Opening Image :1, Theme Stated :5, The Set Up:1 to 10, The Catalyst:12, Debate:12 to 25, Break into II:25, B Story:30, Fun and Games:20 to 55, Midpoint:55, The Bad Guys Close In:55 to 75, All is Lost :75, Dark Night of the Soul:75 to 85, Break Into Act III:85, The Finale:85 to 110, Final Image:110. John Truby states that there are beat sheets specific to genre?
Yes and no. If you notice, he compares two very different movies, and it's a general guideline for all movies. I'm about to check out the link you posted. I'll be right back! LOL
Beats? DO you mean prompts?
This is an example from Blake Snyder for a 110 page script: Beat Sheet Page count110pp- Opening Image :1, Theme Stated :5, The Set Up:1 to 10, The Catalyst:12, Debate:12 to 25, Break into II:25, B Story:30, Fun and Games:20 to 55, Midpoint:55, The Bad Guys Close In:55 to 75, All is Lost :75, Dark Night of the Soul:75 to 85, Break Into Act III:85, The Finale:85 to 110, Final Image:110. John Truby states that there are beat sheets specific to genre?
I use this in every one of my scripts, I hope this helps as well as answers your question.
Thanks, Ray. I guess these are basically techniques for outlining a script? Here is Truby's take on genre and beats?
Yes and no. If you notice, he compares two very different movies, and it's a general guideline for all movies. I'm about to check out the link you posted. I'll be right back! LOL