Screenwriting : Genre Specific Story Beats by Travis Byford

Travis Byford

Genre Specific Story Beats

Anyone know what these are exactly or have suggestions where to find them? Thanks, ~t

Max Boyce

Beats? DO you mean prompts?

Travis Byford

This is an example from Blake Snyder for a 110 page script: Beat Sheet Page count110pp- Opening Image :1, Theme Stated :5, The Set Up:1 to 10, The Catalyst:12, Debate:12 to 25, Break into II:25, B Story:30, Fun and Games:20 to 55, Midpoint:55, The Bad Guys Close In:55 to 75, All is Lost :75, Dark Night of the Soul:75 to 85, Break Into Act III:85, The Finale:85 to 110, Final Image:110. John Truby states that there are beat sheets specific to genre?

Ray Anthony Martinez

I use this in every one of my scripts, I hope this helps as well as answers your question.

Travis Byford

Thanks, Ray. I guess these are basically techniques for outlining a script? Here is Truby's take on genre and beats?

Ray Anthony Martinez

Yes and no. If you notice, he compares two very different movies, and it's a general guideline for all movies. I'm about to check out the link you posted. I'll be right back! LOL

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