Introduce Yourself : Hey, I just met you and this is crazy, but here's my network: Request me, maybe? by Stuart Lawson

Stuart Lawson

Hey, I just met you and this is crazy, but here's my network: Request me, maybe?

Hello every awesome Stage 32 member that is industry driven! My name, as shown above, is Stuart Lawson. I won't bore you with the usual list of credits, haves/not haves, or do's and don'ts because anything you would want to know about me professionally is all linked on my profile to every other media site I'm signed up for. The real reason I want to connect with you on here; is to instantly chat, keep updated and support each other with the fantastic projects we all have floating around out there. I have a few, and I'm sure you do too. Send me a message or a network request any time and say "Hi". Many thanks, Stuart Lawson

Karla Avendano

Hi Stuart :) Hpw are you? I'm Karla...

Stuart Lawson

Hi Karla, nice to meet you. I'm doing great. How are you?

Karla Avendano

Hi Stuart, apologies for the late reply, I've been very busy with college stuff!!!!! Nice to meet you too. I'm fine, thank God. What have you've been up to? :-)

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