Screenwriting : On the hunt for scripts by Babz Bitela, President

Babz Bitela, President

On the hunt for scripts

Hi there, BABZ here host of babzbuzz - year end I read a lot more as pitching is harder, many folks are out of town. Please send me coverage and a beat sheet; I am looking for low budget gems! all genres. All the best, and thanks for letting me participate here! BABZ

Alex Sarris

Hey Babz, Good to see you on Stage32, I am flat out writing though there are never enough hours in the day. Will have work comin' at ya soon. Regards Alex

Hope Williams

Hi there. What are ya looking for???

Babz Bitela, President

we need a beat sheet ala blake snyder and professional coverage; I don't care who you use as long as they are reputable; script quack, script pimp, screenplayreaders, doesn't matter. If we like that we may request the script. need contained shoots, smartly set up stories that fire. thriller, etc.

Joanne Criss

I don't have the beat sheet typed up just scribbled, but I do have the synopsis and have written 12 episodes of a sit com, roughly similar to Miranda which has cleaned up at awards ceremonies for the last couple of years, but also very different. Each episode is 40-44 pages long. It is a simple to make, low budget, female orientated, dry comedy. I'm based in England.

Babz Bitela, President

nope . ...give me what i ask for please or I can't go there. we have our protocol. best, bb

Mike Chinea

Thank you Babz for keeping it real. Coverage is very important and I love the fact that you don't specify coverage by a particular service. Shows you are up front and honest. Of course, if coverage was the only criteria then BEING JOHN MALKOVICH would have never been made. Wishing you the best and no, I am not looking for anything with zombies or vampires. ;-)

Daniel Botha

Great to see you on Stage32 as well, Babz! From hearing your podcasts on SS, I promised myself that you would be the first agent I go to as soon as I have some work done.

Alex Sarris

Hey Dan, all the SS people are starting to turn up here, Babz, they must be following you !!!! Hee Hee. Just to let the cat out of the bag, Babz, Dan and I are collaborating on a feature that is getting close to completion and we should have more info for you in the not too distant future. Alex

Hope Williams

hey would love to send you something, you still looking?

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