Introduce Yourself : 45 Years of Pre & Post Show Productions! by Michael Burton Sr.

Michael Burton Sr.

45 Years of Pre & Post Show Productions!

As former Stage Manager of Maze featuring Frankie Beverly, I welcome you to my website (I'm still doing music). I was chosen to handle Stage, Technical's and Logistics in January 1976. It's a great story that will entertain you at our Website. I was along for the ride of my life and enjoying every beautiful moment. I have had the opportunity to be in some of the most beautiful places in the Country. It was the faces of the crowds of people that heard the music and felt the band that I will never forget. I was a witness to History (his - story). All because of a guy named Frankie, with a band called Maze. Country, R&B, Blues, Jazz, Pop, Folk, or Rock, I have worked with them all, always to show a profit. With many shows left in me, I decided to see if some "Angel Investor" would be interested in funding more of this production. I believe in what I do. "Let's Take It To The Stage". Michael Burton Productions is a full-service production company, able to provide one-stop shopping for your show. Our seasoned professionals consistently deliver top quality sound, lighting, video, staging, back line, and transportation services to a full spectrum of clientele.

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