Introduce Yourself : Writer and Producer by Jason Dailing

Jason Dailing

Writer and Producer

I'm a writer/producer, got finished wrapping up a comedy short, Keys of the Heart with Jennifer Acres. I'm currently in the conceptual stage of a thriller short and we hope to use the same cast and crew as Keys. They were absolutely phenomenal and I was casting the actors in parts before we even had a plot (just took care of that though, got a preliminary beat-sheet going). I've been on Stage32 for a while now, but not been able to utilize this site as much as I've liked. This will change, doing a lot of revamping with this page and others. After last weeks shoot of Keys, I know that is where I belong and redoubled my determination to quit my day job and ship everything off to LA. Luckily it was only my determination and not my execution cause it would be REALLY stupid to up and leave at this moment. But I got some money coming in and by this fall I'll be where I need to be! Keys of the Heart is the the final week of its Kickstarter funding. This short will be the centerpiece of my portfolio and I am extremely proud of it. Sixteen page, shot in a day, cast of six, crew of ten, and will be if and around 10 minutes with the final cut. This will be going out to festivals, contests, and of course to the backers of the project. Please check it out! There are fantastic rewards and I want as many people as possible to be apart of this. Take care everyone and have a fantastic weekend :)

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