Introduce Yourself : Screenplay Consultant - Special announcement! by Phil Dyer

Phil Dyer

Screenplay Consultant - Special announcement!

Hi, my name's Phil Dyer and I'm a professional screenplay analyst, script consultant, screenplay contest judge and screenwriting teacher. I'm happy to announce a brand new service - The Contest Read! For only $49, I'll read your entire script, write 500-800 words of what works well and what needs revision, and will even send you the numeric ratings for your script that many contests keep secret. This will give you an accurate preview of what a real contest judge will think of your script BEFORE you pay all those pricey entrance fees to submit it to your chosen contests. For just $30 more, I'll give you a list of targeted suggestions for the best ways to make your script more appealing to contest readers. I'd love to help you make your screenplay the best it can be, so please contact me any time I can be of service. Thanks! Phil Dyer P.S. - If you'd like to check out an analysis I just wrote of "Django Unchained," you can find it on my site at:

Django Unchained Analysis - Should it win Best Screenplay?
Django Unchained Analysis - Should it win Best Screenplay?
Django Unchained By Quentin Tarantino General Information · Genre - Western · Number of pages - 166 · Mov...

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