I am currently self-publishing my second book which is a vast improvement on my first. The title of the book is PRATER and it's subtitle is LEAVE THE FINANCIALS TO ME. I expect publication to be completed in about four weeks time. The anti-hero is a criminal but, without doubt, a very interesting character. I run a business but write in my spare time but because I find it so enjoyable I am now spending more time on writing. As I am sure everybody is aware, TV and films are the only routes to success hence the desperate need for an accomplished script writer- is anybody out there?? I have also determined to fictionalise the character and indeed, work has begun already on this ambitious project. Not yet 100% sure how to use this website but I'm getting there. All for now.
Thank you Eliza. May I ask what you do?
This is also one of my passions. Congratulations!
Your congratulations are most welcome. Writing being one of your passions, have you published yet? Perhaps you are a scriptwriter. Look forward to hearing from you. I'm from England-what about you?
Unfortunately I am not published yet, but still trying. I am from Boston, MA
Great good luck with it! Where are you publishing?
I haven't secured any publisher yet. I'm still working on finished manuscript.
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There are tons of books that are successes without the help of film or tv (which usually comes well after the book is a bestseller.)
I know tons of great writers who have never had a movie made from one of their books. Believe me it is very lucrative all on it's own. Of course having the offer of a movie to be made from your novel would be thrilling. If it happens they will provide a screenwriter. I write for writings sake, it is my passion. Even if I'm never published, (though of course I would like to be), I will still feel fulfilled having done what makes me happy.