We are currently working on our headshot/ portfolio for our resume, does casting directors Prefer clients headshots/portfolio in coloured or black and white, we cannot decide which one but we want the best. (we want tv work not theatre)
We are currently working on our headshot/ portfolio for our resume, does casting directors Prefer clients headshots/portfolio in coloured or black and white, we cannot decide which one but we want the best. (we want tv work not theatre)
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Color is the way to go here in the US. Both LA/NYC want headshots to be in color. Good luck!
Definitely color. That is the industry standard now.
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Definitely color, if you are in the LA area contact me. i do headshots. www.ispgroupinc.com
http://www.ispgroupinc.com/monologues/monologues_for_kids_and_teens.htm here are free monologues for scene study if you are working on your acting skills.