I recently run a successful Kickstarter campaign for my animated feature "Rocks In My Pockets", a funny film about depression. We raised a little bit more than $50,000. Some random thoughts on Kickstarter here: http://rocksinmypocketsthemovie.wordpress.com/2013/02/20/hard-data-vs-so...
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I've run two indiegogo campaigns. One was a disaster, the other was a small success, but we didn't hit our goal. It's hard. You really have to have a good online presence and you have to work it like a full time job to get what you need. Having name talent works too, or an association with someone that can get the word out in large numbers. But you really have to be creative, engage your audience, and work hard at finding the right angle to do those kinds of numbers. Great work Signe!
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Congrats on your campaign. My team will be staring a kickstarter as soon as we finalize our art style and ready ourselves for production. Would love to pick your brain if you have the time. Feel free to message me. Thanks.
Set Masters, the 800 backers came from about 100 of my personal connections. Some of the project's early supporters convinced their friends to support the project, too. We got almost no press, as we have no names big or small attached to the film. During the 30 days of the campaign I actively posted on Facebook, Twitter and a little bit - on LinkedIn; sent emails to my list of 3000 people. But to be honest, the preparation for this Kickstarter campaign started in 2010. One doesn't walk into a campaign like this without an extensive list of connections and some kind of social media strategy.
Thank you, Heath! YES I was working full time (16 hour work days) on the campaign - 1,5 months in advance, then during the campaign and 3 weeks after, wrapping up the conversations and packing the rewards. Running a Kickstarter campaign is definitely not for the weak in heart, am still recovering. As to the name talent - we don't have any, but I like to tell that the film has a major star, a star that everybody either knows personally or has heard of her - Depression. : )
Rob, good luck with your campaign! befriend me on Facebook and keep me in the loop!
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Absolutely fantastic. I love your take on it, that it's about the story, the human connection. And I love that you stuck to that and achieved your fundraising goal. Thanks so much for sharing. Really inspiring. But...2,000 emails? I guess I'm not quite ready for Kickstarter. Yet. ;-)