Hey there everybody! I'm Heather, singer, ex novelist (maybe just on a 10 year hiatus), and have 5 unfinished scripts/projects beckoning to me on an hourly basis... My baby is ready for revisions and tightening, thusly I am ready to invest in a professional formatting program. Final Draft seemed to rule for a few years, but just wondering if this is still the most widely used, respected, etc. program available. Thanks so much in advance for your input and happy creating! -H
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Thanks Rachael =)
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I'm loving Final Draft, but I got it primarily for my boyfriend who loves screenwriting.
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Hi Heather, no choice really ! If you want to be a serious screenwriter then FD otherwise any freebie will do. A producer will ask for the FD file to use for planning, scheduling etc... Get FD for iPad, it does the job and is much cheaper (need to have an iPad though) Hee Hee
Aahh, I knew it! Been trying to find a Final Draft for Windows Surface, not going so well... But then I am not whatever opposed to dusting off the old rickety laptop and putting her back to work! Thanks everybody!
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nah,,, i used to use FINAL DRAFT, then, every one went cross platform, I use celtx now https://www.celtx.com/index.html, its the best cause you can use it pdf it and send it print it and correct it and producers i work with always just send me back an forths ' on the celtx
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Celtx has different page lengths compared to Final Draft. And I have been told that most script readers can tell the difference and react accordingly. FD is industry standard and most use it because files are compatible within the industry. How many industry pro's use Celtx?
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I tried Scrivner for my novels and stories. It's good. And our producer also uses Movie Magic which she likes.
Okay, lots of great information, thanks everybody! Getting the inkling that it will come to whatever program is compatible with this darn Windows 8 Surface tablet... I sure hope I didn't mess up by choosing this equipment! Hi, Dawn! =) good to see you my friend
Oh, not Windows 8, Windows RT! Man =(
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Let me add my two cents. Fd or movie magic is industry standard. Celtix yells wannabe. It may be free but serious filmmaks rs don't scringe on s couple hubdred for essential software. As far as the person with comment on how he or she hates courier. My advice. Suck it up. I have been in industry as exec and producer for thirty yrears. Never seen a professional in any other fint especially if it is spec. Production scripts occcasionally when an intern or inexperienced PA screwed up. So FD or MM.
Thanks T N, I'm looking into both FD and MM and just waiting to see who will be compatible with my computer first haha... For now I will continue to edit in the online program where my scripts reside and get this one ready for the professional rewrite. Much appreciation to you all! =)
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Same here Manda. All the producers I have worked with request FD. As I keep saying, "if you want to take your screenwriting seriously" get FD.
Definitely serious! Thanks so much for the help guys and gals =)
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I use and LOVE Adobe Story. Its a full pre-production program all in one.
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"How many industry pros use Celtx?" Plenty. I used to work on a TV show that was exclusively written in Celtx.
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Kriss, That may be the proverbial exception to the rule... that most professionals use FD and MM. BTW, both are industry standard with more people using FD.. but sooner or later they have to interface with the MM?EP components o for scheuling and budgeting. I use both, depending on what I recieve. But 80% are FD and 20% are MM for spec scripts. production scripts tend to be evenly split. Hope this helps..
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I find Final Daft to be an overpriced con-job. I had bought v7 for a small fortune, then I upgraded to 8 for another fortune. Their iPad version is $70!!! For what? I gave up on them and, for less than $10, I bought Scripts Pro for iPad and I couldn't be happier! It saves FDX, text and PDF to Dropbox. For outlining, I use Index Card for iPad, which also saves to Dropbox.
haha Scott... I'll be watching for the guy in the hot pink plaid bowtie. Okay, so seriously, I am very reluctant to let what esthetically pleases me have any bearing on my decision about professional screenwriting software... I also have no idea what the pros are looking for as far as proper page length, font, spacing, everything...so I have to go with the majority.
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I often use Celtx, and appreciate the storyboarding tools (beta) that they're working on.
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Used to use FD and dug it. Now use Montage - the simpler, the better. A, B, C, and it's free, FD catching dust in storage. Go figure.
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CELTX rules! And it's free...
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The reason FD is still 'king' is the integration with other preproduction programs including MM and other budgeting, breakdown, and storyboarding software.
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I got my hard drive on my old laptop fixed because it had my only version of Final Draft. Now I'm treating my old laptop with kid gloves because I can't afford to lose FD again. I was so thrilled to get FD back, I could have kissed my computer guy! Anyway, I'm back in the saddle and almost finished with the second act of my script. One more act baby! I'm writing faster than I ever thought I would. I've used Celtx, but it's just not the same.
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I was able to upgrade Mike's FD since he previously registered his broken CD copy. We use PC's and installed on my laptop too, since the license includes up to 2.
Whilst being so grateful for everyone's advice, a bit more confused now than when I asked hahaha... Have a great night all =)