Inspired by true events, William Forsythe ("The Bronx Bull") plays a cunning ex-con with ties to the Mexican underworld who ensnares best friends, Walter Perez ("The Avengers") and Charley Koontz ("Rubber") in a daring heist to uncover a lost shipment of illegal animal products in Mexico. The trio embarks on a doomed expedition south of the war-torn border. Marking his debut in American film, Mexican funny man and Superstar, Adal Ramones ("Saving Private Perez") plays the vicious right hand henchman of a powerful Mexican underworld boss
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Heavy, modern problem, seems well played, tough story ,smells real. Good luck !
Thanks.. Mr. Simpson..
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Road to Juarez with the great mob figure and nasty villain William Forsythe ... Ray wish you all the best ...